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Old 06-26-2012, 08:46 PM   #12
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Re: for all you custom camper/hauling/camping sorta guys...

Hi Billy - I've been looking for a C20 Cheyenne Super Custom Camper in decent shape. That is whenever I'm not looking for a C10 swb... I have truck schyzophrenia (sp?)
My search has kinda been centered on the part I've already collected for a different cheyenne super that didn't come through - but I bought generic enough stuff that I'm probably ok in any red or ochre truck. Yes, narrow search band, but not in a huge rush -still trying to sell my 66 to make the room (and provide some $). I was pretty interested in the light yellow Cheyenne C20 CC in San Diego, but decided I didn't quite want a light yellow truck. Just personal preference on my part. Don't/Didn't you have a C30 CS custom camper for sale? Or was yours the light yellow C20? (can't keep track) Seems I've seen some stuff for sale here locally recently. Have a couple leads on some stuff, although the highlander i posted in another thread isn't what I was looking for exactly (what to do with my black buckets in med olive highlander!!??) but I DO really like that truck, and it's reasonably priced. More to follow - still holding out for that elusive C20 CS Custom Camper... Found one that might be all that in NC, but no reply yet from owner. Not sure it's overall condition, just going on 1 or 2 tiny pics.
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