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Old 06-27-2012, 08:09 AM   #25
Special Order

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Re: Original Owner Original Paint '67 Field Find

Well,not to steal from the thread about a sweet shortbed find,but there's always been an abbreviation for original and it's "orig". As people continually try to change the language,it seems what is considered the "currently popular" abbreviation is "org",which I still disagree with. That would be the abbreviation for organization. OG is a caveman comic . Believe me,I'm no grammar Nazi. But,the purpose of language is communication. And,if we keep altering it to where people have to ask what this or that term means (when there's already an established term in use),then it ain't workin'. I have never heard the term OG except for on this sight and only recently. It seems to be spreading like a virus. Maybe we could start a discussion on language in a General Discussion thread. Again,sorry for the distraction.
None of these show OG meaning original...not even in a list of 53 possibilities. It's just flat out wrong

Ok,I Googled "definition of orig" and the first results were the definition of "original",not orig. Here's the 5th result:

All I know is you can't beat finding,not only an original paint vehicle,but from the original owner? Now that's just the best! Did he say he ordered it that way,or was it from off the lot? Sure sounds like a customer order,even if it wasn't him who ordered it. Some of those get ordered and for whatever reason don't end up being taken by the one who ordered it
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Last edited by special-K; 06-27-2012 at 10:14 PM.
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