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Old 06-27-2012, 10:22 PM   #1
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Some Qs before i install shift kit

OK, I wanna start off by saying that I soon plan to go manual but til I get the parts together I want to keep my 700r4 in working order. There is no slipping or anything, I have a torque conveter lock-up shudder. I read some where on third gen to clean the ____ screen, governor maybe... and I want to clean the valve body out while I'm in there. My trans is an 86 model not sure of were that screen is or even if there is one in mine

The furthest I've ever been into a trans was to replace the throttle valve spring. I do filters everyday but thats pretty much it.

Anyway I ordered a b&m shift improver kit. My thinking being that i would then have instructions. I understand that the kit just increases line pressure and is hard on old parts, so lets not talk about that. I am thinking I should probably remove and clean all the valves and dealybobs not just the ones the kit effects. And is there anything else while I'm in that area I should do? Sorry about the long explanation I ramble sometimes.
Thanks in advance.
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