Re: newbie needing some help
check out the boards. i have had several prewar chevy trucks so ive been watching this board for a while, but never been active until recently so i know allot of nice builds have come though. im only active now because its 160f in my shop till a new motor for roof fans comes in.
"check out my new shoes" has and impressive drop. "just a truck" has the tranny you want and so much more. im sure theres a blue and black truck on here somewhere(im painting mine competition white with blue accents).
personally 20 dont really fit the lines of these trucks. besides, despite the abundant availability, these are still classics. just because you can doesn't mean you should.
best advice...before you go and dump a ton of money into the dirvetrain start by assessing the truck. in allot of cases theres more rust than metal on windshield channels and floor boards than there is truck. you can pick up a whole cab for a few hundred and if you dont have a welding rig its just easier. you dont see allot of fiberglass and bondo patches on this forum so just reading the forums will lead in the right direction. if you do run across a bondo patch its normally followed by a 10 page flame. those are always good for a laugh.