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Old 07-01-2012, 09:02 AM   #13
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Re: serious windshield gasket problem. anyone else have this problem?

i have never heard of delux or non-delux gaskets. sounds like an excuse to me.i dont like the self locking gaskets because they are a little thicker . me having a hard time putting a w/s in with a self lock i am still only going to be there an hour. absolutely no rubber gasket w/s has ever taken me more than 1 to 2 hours even if i struggled with it . hope i didnt just jinks myself.haha.there are steps that need to be followed to anything right .if not and someone is trying to hurry a lot of time will be wasted ,glass broke or worse.............paint scratched. i am not perfect i have problems from time to time .but everyone gets 100% from me from some pos car to a show truck.quality control is almost gone with everything .i got a gasket once that was twisted ,how the heck does that happen?
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