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Old 07-01-2012, 10:54 AM   #17
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Re: serious windshield gasket problem. anyone else have this problem?

That is correct, the deluxe has the simulated chrome strip. On the squares (by the late 70's at least, and on my 79) it has that plastic chrome molded around the perimeter. Because of this, I have put off installing a new windshield for years because every glass company I have contacted say they can't install the rubber seals with the chrome strip, and I prefer to keep the truck as per factory, so I've put up with a nice big chip in the glass for years.

I ran into this issue with my 72 as well, which uses an actual stainless trim around the windshield (3 pieces) that is supposed to snap into a groove molded into the windshield rubber. The original windshield was hit by a rock last year pretty hard. Glass company tried for 15 minutes to talk me into a plain black windshield molding and I wouldn't do it, that's not how the CST's were built.
They reluctantly agreed to finally install the correct windshield molding with the molded groove for my stainless to snap in. Took 3 guys 4 hours to do it an it still wasn't right. A week later the 2 side stainless moldings flew out going down the highway. I"ve left it that way since as I don't want anyone else touching the truck, fed up with it. I wish now that I left the original windshield in it with the crack, at least it had the stainless around it and looked correct.

It's hard to find a good glass guy (surprising in AZ with all the busted windshields we get) and because of this I've been reluctant to fix my 79. Even though that truck should be easier, since the rubber comes with simulated chrome already on the rubber.

My only concern now after reading this thread is that with the rubber molding pictured above having so much slack,,,I'd be afraid it would crack that plastic simulated chrome,,,that stuff isn't all that flexible, and I haven't seen any suppliers carry it.
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