Re: serious windshield gasket problem. anyone else have this problem?
It was the right gasket, the problem I believe were incompitent workers.
They were bickering with each other on whether to install the stainless while the rubber was on the glass, then install the windshield,,,,or install the stainless after the windshield was installed in the truck.
I leaned toward the first method myself since the rubber would be more pliable and easier to install the moldings,,,, but they ultimately decided to put the windshield in the truck first, then try to pry the rubber open and force the stainlesss moldings in. Unfortunately as I had thought, that didn't work well since the glass and rubber molding already being in the truck made for a very tight fit since it was already squishing the the rubber slot closed.
They never really got the moldings in all the way (I don't believe) since it flew out 3 days later. I wasn't all that impressed with the overall fit of the rubber molding either, it didn't seem to fill the windshield frame as well as the original, and it give the appearance of being too small (pulling away from the corners).
Some day I will install another new windshield and try to find someone more qualified for the job. Right now I'm just fed up with it as it not only needs to be redone, but I'll need all new stainless moldings too. I'd rather get my pickup truck fixed first, find the right simulated chrome strip molding for it and see how a different glass installer does on this one, then I might entrust his work on my 72. It's frustrating for sure.