Thread: Lost My 65
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Old 07-02-2012, 04:42 AM   #315
But Found Her 25yrs Later!
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Re: Lost My 65

I'm currently going through my wiring.
I think I tell in this thread about an electrical fire I had back in 84.
I was 19, so I wired just what was needed to get myself going.
I never got around to doing anything more before I sold it in 86/87.
I'm currently going through my wiring.
I've got it all out and cleaning things up.
Looking at the wiring now, I'm pretty positive the fire was related to the Ammeter.
Most wires related to it are the ones that are totally fried.
I will NOT be hooking the Ammeter back up.
I lost my 65 - Found it 25 years later:

66 C20 Service Truck:
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