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Old 07-06-2012, 10:21 AM   #8
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Re: virgin 72 swb C10 deluxe

I'm going to break from the pack a don't find these in close to original condition much anymore. I paid $4800 for mine in 1994 and it was in similar condition. That was high then but I wanted it and after a year of looking I didn't blink.

I would buy the truck you posted for up to $6500. If you want it, and it suits your desire the extra money won't be a regret later. The regret would be if you didn't buy it and searched high and low to save a few $...coming up empty or having to compromise. Maybe I'm getting older or learned too many lessons the hard way but good things deserve good money. That goes for employees, service, goods, etc. Don't get me wrong, I always look for the best deal. You have a great platform to work from here. Believe me the little original parts will nickel and dime you to death, being "all there" is worth $1500 in parts like engine brackets, air cleaners, steering wheel, etc.
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