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Old 07-06-2012, 03:19 PM   #11
I know the pieces fit
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Re: Bruiser gets some muscle... finally...

David, I guess it's all good, but that's the first time I've been stranded in a while - no fun! Mainly because I forgot my cell phone. Big DOH on my part. One motor mount is broken, so no big suprise the fuel line broke on the rubber line between the hardline mounted on the frame and the the fuel pump. But easy to replace. The broken motormount will have to last another week or two until the old drivetrain is pulled. I'll just have to make sure to baby it so it doesn't happen again, and to carry some fuel line and a flat head screw driver. The fun stuff will start soon!

79 2wd Blazer (Bruiser)
85 M1009 Blazer (Sarge) build
74 Honda Z50 build
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