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Old 10-02-2003, 03:05 PM   #16
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Posts: 128
Yes....I'm not that pickey of whether the top is a single or double wall. With what you guys are telling me the '71 would be fine with me along with the '72. I do like the interior doors on the '72 CST model; I'm unsure if I have seen original '71 inner door panels to know what the difference is. I'll have to look at some of the pics. out there; I'm sure I can find a picture of them somewhere.

There are a few Blazers that people on this site have that I'd love to own one day. They're really nice looking.

A couple of must have's are.... Automatic, A/C, CST, and non white, and close to original. Other than that (and I know that's a lot) I'd settle for different colors, lifts, interior color, etc.
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