TH350 OOzing
There's some seepage at the shifter rod....where it goes into the body of the trans.
I went to Napa today and they ordered the "part"...$1.69.
I can't find a schematic anywhere....I'm hoping that it goes in from the outside and that it's something I can do......
with my limited brains and limited patience.
For a long time, I was "chasing" a brake fluid leak. Right now, there are only two fluids in the truck...oops...three including the differential.
So, as I chased an elusive brake fluid, the trans fluid was fooling me. 65 and I STILL can't tell one from another. Even when brake fluid is so caustic.
What the $#&^%@?
Anyway, any tips on the trans shifter rod seal removal/replacement?
Coarsegold, CA
RAT's shiny now.
But always a rat.