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Old 07-08-2012, 12:08 AM   #6
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Re: Fiberglassing question

I have quite a bit of experience with fibreglass, If you have the mold made, cover it with corn syrup (no kidding), using a paint brush, and let the syrup harden overnight. It will harden enough to lay the fibreglass on, it will resist the fibreglass, and make an easy job to release it from the mold. It also doesnt crinkle up like tin foil or saran wrap, and keeps your piece very accurate, especially on corners and bends. Then just clean up the syrup after you release it with hot soapy water. As for the mat, I would do 3 layers, have all your pieces cut first, then lay it on one layer at a time, making sure to get the air bubbles out with a paint brush before putting the next layer on. You can chop up some extra mat with scissors into a fine pile of mat, then mix it with resin to make a paste that you can put on the mat where the joints are. The corn syrup is cheap, and works amazing, one of my best secrets. Trim the edges, then a little bondo on the outside to make it smooth, and paint.
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