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Old 07-08-2012, 11:11 AM   #7
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Re: Fiberglassing question

Simply, more info for those that want to modify stock "plastic" shrouds and parts. This black plastic the parts are made of, is called "ABS", and it is the same recipe as the black drain pipe most mobile homes have in them for their drain systems, available at any hardware/home improvement store.

Fiberglass resins do not stick/bond to ABS, no way. But, there is an ABS cement that does, quite well. And, fiberglass cloth, which is strong as all get out, will bond to the ABS cement. I both ride, and road race vintage Japanese motorcycles, which have fairings, parts and covers made of injection molded ABS plastic. Whenever I need to do a repair on a part that has been damaged, I thoroughly clean, degrease and dry the "wound". First, add a layer of ABS cement, then, fiberglass cloth, another layer of ABS cement, then, another layer of cloth, set at a 45 degree angle of the weave of the cloth, over the first layer, then, the last layer of ABS cement. This ABS cement/fiberglass cloth layering becomes many times stronger than the original part was in that repaired area.

Please realize, most stock parts made of ABS were injection molded in a machine, some were made in a mold, but all are repairable using the cement for the plastic, and fiberglass cloth. Although I prefer the fiberglass cloth over matte fiberglass, the matte works as good if you cross it over itself, 90 and 45 degree angles, just a lot harder to work with.

Just food for thought for those repairing/modifying stock ABS plastic parts.
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