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Old 07-08-2012, 04:36 PM   #99
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Denver, CO
Posts: 232
Re: Driver on a budget.

Now that it is movable it's time to put it back together. I have the last week of July off so that is when the paint will fly. The doors went back on for the final time, piece of cake. Then for the fenders, of course there's a problem. The core support is too high causing a large gap in the bottom of the door fender line. How can this be? I have all new body/core mounts, it's all the same parts that came off the truck, doesn't make sense. I took the mounts out of the core and with the core sitting on the frame things almost line up, confused. Then I remembered when I put the cab bushings in there were two different ones. I thought they were supposed to be the same size but it looked like the bigger ones went in back from the pictures in the scant directions, I also put the same shims back in that were only in the rear mounts. I'll play around with moving bushings and shims and I'm sure I can make this work with the core bushings back in, just more work I wasn't anticipating. Has anyone else had this problem? Did I get the wrong bushings, are they supposed to be the same front and rear like I thought?

I also painted the hood hinges, tailgate hardware and the inside of the tailgate. I'll put those on in the next couple of days and get the cab mount thing straightened out.
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