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Old 10-03-2003, 08:18 AM   #6
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Corsicana, TX
Posts: 20
Originally posted by Hutch
Give me a better idea of what you are looking for and a price range and I will keep my eye out for you.
Are you going to restore or customize?
I was hoping to get a running truck that is drivable for around $2000.00. Please let me know if I am way off here. Passed on a '68 SWB in Dallas yesterday that had too many problems. It was in a car lot, so I assumed that the price was too high to begin with. It basicly was the product of too many people. I am hoping to find something that hasn't been messed with too much.

Here is a project:


Have fun

I saw this add in TruckTrader. I have a call in with the person, but haven't been contacted back. The add that I read said that it was missing the back glass and bed. I have no idea what those items would cost so it's hard for me to commit on that. Again I probably am being too picky.

There was also a 72 V8 that was running that I called about just to find that the guy had just given it away to some kid that walked up. He said that he has had it for weeks without being able to sell it. Some luck...

Oh, and I think that we would be leaning down the custom road. It seems the most practical.

Thanks for the info and extra set of eyes...


Last edited by cofer; 10-04-2003 at 10:22 AM.
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