Re: Lost My 65
So, I got my refund from Summit. No questions asked.
That's one reason I bought from them.
Second, I did all my own research here in these forums to find my exact needs, and emailed a vendor that happen to be in one of the threads at the time regarding all this talk about whether the cpp Non Modular drop spindles would move my wheels out over what they are now. That vendor said they Would Not move my wheels out.
After doing more research and shopping, I still wasn't convinced they wouldn't move my wheels out.
I heard nothing but good about summit from members here, so I wanted to buy from someone who had a good reputation.
I was told by more than just a few members to not buy directly from Cpp, it would be a nightmare, and I'd end up losing money if they even ever let me return it. There's even another recent case involving a member here who has had months of back and forths with cpp.
As I understand it, Jeff at Cpp here in these forums is a great guy and does a lot to make things right.
Finally, another huge reason to buy from summit is they often list things cheaper. They only charged me $11 for shipping the whole heavy package - spindles, rotors, bearings, and all.
Oh! and that's not all. They even awarded me $20 Summit Bucks.
Now take that as an additional savings.
Ship it all back within 90 days, and you pay nothing but the original shipping cost. For me that was $11 bucks.
Well worth it to keep from being stuck with drop spindles that didn't work.
I do want to let you guys know that regardless of what some vendors say, the Non-Modular drop spindles would have moved my wheels out 3/8" per side over drums.
Last edited by LostMy65; 07-15-2012 at 11:44 AM.