Originally Posted by Shock_Me
Thanks guys. I sent out the VIN to GM's vintage division. Might be able to get the key code from them, we'll see. If not we'll drill the lock and replace it with a new barrel.
Truck is too old to do that.
The first thing I would do is to pull the passengers door lock out and see if there is a code number stamped into it. If there is take it to a locksmith and have him cut you a key. If the locks are all original the key will fit the ignition. If you don't have a locksmith close PM me the code number and I will cut you a key and send it to you for 8 bucks. If there is no code number on it, the door lock can still be disassembled and de-coded to cut a key. The destructive methods would be a last resort for me.
Picture shows the location of the code number.