Washington DC has cameras at signals, and have also been accused of tactics including shortening the duration of the yellow light to catch more people and get more revenue. The city of Austin, Tx has admitted to shortening the duration of yellow lights at signals in order to trap more people running red lights. I have lived here in Tx for more than 2 years now, and the area I live in (Irving/Coppell/Carrolton) is very safe. I have never seen the police in my area doing anything but sitting at stop signs of hiding at intersections. The police in Coppell don't drive cop cars, they drive 2003 Tahoes! One cop per truck too! I wonder how much that costs tax payers? I have been pulled over for going 37 in the 35, and all the cop did was ask me to see my documents, and after he was satisfied I met his requirements he told me I was lucky!
When I still lived in Buffalo, NY I was pulled over for running a red light in a suburb named Lackawana(sp?). I swore it was still yellow, the cop(parked 50 yards away in a lot on the side of the street by the way) said it was red, and then said regardless of what color it was, I accelerated when it turned yellow, and gave me some crap about a law saying at every intersection, regardless of the color or the light, drivers are supposed to take their foot off the gas and "hover" it over the brake pedal. What a crock! And then when I went to court, the judge decided that since I had a previous speeding ticket almost 2 years before that, I should have to pay double the fine! Yes, the judge made me pay double because he felt like it! I had to take one of those classes to get it off my record, and I met 3 other drivers, all pulled over at the same red light as I was, by a cop parked in the same place as the cop was when I was pulled over. In my experience, we're treated like cows, and the cops are the ones milking us.
GM RPO Codes
'95 K1500 4x4 Ext Cab
5.7 TBI
NV4500 Tranny, 14 Bolt swapped in, locker, 3.73's
Last edited by CEDJUNIOR; 10-03-2003 at 06:01 PM.