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Old 07-14-2012, 12:11 AM   #1
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lt1 t56 in an 86... how to connect the factory clutch master to the t56 slave?

heres my dilema guys.... swapping in an lt1 t56... i have an 86 swb 2wd auto truck, ive already cut my low hump out and welded in provisions for the high hump, so i can a bolt on a high hump cover, heres where im at, i see the three dimples in the firewall for the factory clutch master, which i have, so i can install the factory clutch pedal set and hook it to the factory master all in the correct way, on the tranny side of things its an lt1 t56 and i have its factory clutch slave which has weird hose connections on it between the slave and master(they are banjo style fittings and seem to semi-permanently attached to eachother). my question is what do i use for a slave since i obviously cant just screw my factory line into the t56 slave will a factory sm465 hyd slave work on my t56 or can i actually mate these two pieces i have together? i searched the forum but came up with nothing and most results were on pre 73 trucks
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