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Old 07-14-2012, 09:00 PM   #11
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Re: GMC 351 V6 "M" Engine Parts

I received this info below about the oil pans, from one of the very knowledgeable Guys; Lewis Matkin, from the 6066 GMC website. Parts CAN be found on Craigslist; not always in your region or by direct order, but I have purchased many parts from the CL including my 401M. used to be Allofcraigs

all GMC V6 engines carry the same pan configuration. The only
difference is the depth of the pan. The 305 pickup engine has a shallow oil
pan and may not allow the oil-driven govenor spinner asm to be installed on
the pump. It is a 5-qt. pan. However, if he finds one from a
305-351-401-379-432-478 out of a 4000 series or larger truck it should work.
Most of these pans are at least 8-qt. capacity and will bolt up to any of
these engines

Best of luck with your search, I'll keep my eye out as well.
1961 GMC Suburban
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