Re: Straight Axle
I still have the straight axle on my 59. I live out on the edge of town and driving my truck on empty country roads is doable with bumpsteer but still a challenge. Driving through town can be a complete nightmare with all the jerks on the road. Add to that the idea of hauling my boys with me since they want to ride and my stress level goes to the stratasphere. Im not normally prone to road rage but there are times driving this truck i could gave someone a come-to-jesus meeting.
I have a 55 dodge wagon that rides almost as good as my wifes suburban. Cars were designed much better in the 50's as far as road manners go.
I will probably, this fall, put an IFS my truck. Not because i want to race and have a G-machine but because i dont want the next ride in my truck to be my last, because of some dumba$$ that cant drive his car in his lane.
For me my primary concern is saftey and staying alive in an antigue metal box, i couldn't give two squirts of whiz about the latest suspension fads. ( that being said i'm with rude dude and will probably do the porterbuilt subframe :-) )
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Big dan 3131, on a side note i was camping just outside issaquah last week at tallchief. Quite an awesome little town you guys got there.
Last edited by meter swinger; 07-15-2012 at 01:33 AM.
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