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Old 07-15-2012, 05:17 PM   #6
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Re: 70 chev K20 with 700r4/np241

1972redneck...after looking online at advance adaptors I decided to use the 241 which would bold on directly to my 700r4 instead of messing with adaptors and output shafts etc...although with shifter issues and getting my centerline (output shaft) in the right place I have begun to consider using my 205 with the right adaptors...I guess the biggest issue is wife being chief advocator of not spending more money than absolutely necessary! I got the 241 in exchange for my 205 but nothing's installed yet so I suppose it's still an option. Brianthelion...I have read both pro's and con's for re-bolting the torque mount, and for what I plan on doing I think the easier way is just to not use it. Sticking with the main mount should suffice. I shall post some pics of what I have been doing...
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