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Old 07-15-2012, 05:39 PM   #9
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Re: 70 chev K20 with 700r4/np241

it sounds to me youre using a short footed adapter with a tall style crossmember.

the stock adapter for the 241 has a short foot like this. probably what you have.

the short foot adapter goes with the "W" or "S" shaped crossmember. a 205 shown here, but it is a 1985+ crossmember.

this is the tall th350/208 adapter. 208/241 are directly interchangeable. goes with the flat style crossmember. seen on ebay <click that.

all shifters from 1983 or so and newer for a 208 and 241 are the same. just find one of those. they came in k5s and subs k10 ans k20, k10 and k20 pickups as well.
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