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Old 07-15-2012, 09:57 PM   #1
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72 LWB Custom 10 Bronze Rust Bucket

Picked up this beauty on Friday. This is going to be the quickest build thread in the history of build threads. I've been working on it all weekend. I've already pressure washed everything, buffed out the entire passenger side paint, switched the bumper out for a chrome one, and I'll be getting my hands on a set of rallies soon. I also cut the front springs and heated the rears to give it some drop. The objective of this build is to create a nice looking driver that someone can enjoy and hopefully make a little money on my end. It has a flat cam in the original 307 so I got a new cam and it's also getting new lifters and a gear drive. I might convert it from 2 barrel to 4 but not sure yet. I got an intake but I need a carb. It's not gonna be a very detailed thread but I thought it would be cool to show what can be done when you invest a little elbow grease and some time into one of these trucks. Let me know what you guys think
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