Critique my brake flares
Posted this over in the '47-'59 forum also...
This weekend I tried my hand in flaring brake lines. I have never done this before so I did quite a bit of reading and making sure I followed everything properly. I have a good set of flaring tools (MAC Tools) so quality of tools wasn't a worry.
I started with cutting my lines and trying to keep them square a possible. I used a file to clean up the edges and the outside of the tube just a bit. I then deberred in the inside of the line with a drill bit.
After that I measured the appropriate amount of tube length to leave exposed (measured with the adapter), I then dabbed a little brake fluid on the end (recommended by someone) and then squared up the adapter with the tube. I started my first bubble, took off the adapter, and then flared the end of it. Here is a couple of the flares.
I am looking for feedback. I don't think they look that great and would like any recommendations on my technique. I look at my picture and then look at "great flares" and I am doing something wrong haha.