Re: NEED help and ideas/options on installing my Derale trans. pan!!!
Originally Posted by CEE1NG_RED
Hmmmm...I just need to figure out how to torque it to 8-12#s with my torque wrench. Another option I've considered was to cut 1/2" or 1" of the frame where I need to get access to the holes while the truck is on jackstands!  
Your torq wrench may not be accurate down in the low numbers, might want to buy an inch/pounds wrench
Wonder it they make a tranny pan gasket with spacers, like the oil pan?
Or, notch it, where you need access to the allen head
Semper Fi...Uncle Sam, you da man
All parts offered to help are free, unless otherwise noted
Dont try this stuff in my build thread, unless you have 55 years of mechanical OTJ training
AS usual, off topic
They say your mind goes second, can't remember the first