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Old 07-16-2012, 02:22 PM   #11
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Re: Any tips on installing TF deluxe cab trim?

Okay I thought I would reply.

I did this when my truck was in primer.

Yes I have done this on my truck. I had the factory assembly manual which has the drawings and dimensions. This helped with the starting points, the center points and the number of holes as well as hole drill size.

For distance between holes:
I used the drawings to set the starting holes, center holes and ending holes. The rest I just layed out and made them evenly spaced. Making sure the number of holes matched what the book said I should have. I used a good sharp dark pencil to mark the hole centerlines.

To center the holes in the reveal:
The holes are centered in the reveal area. I had a junk piece of trim that I cut a 1" section off and punched a hole in the middle of. I used this as a centering templete. At each hole location I used the punch hole to place my pencil mark.

To finalize and use a punch set:
I visually checked the location of each hole for center.

Walk away and come back another day with a fresh start and recheck.


Be vary carefull about the measurement for the lower cab trim piece for the last holes near the door jam. Do not get to close the jam. There is a seam and interior piece of metal that will create problems when you try to push in the clip.

Hope this helps.

Last edited by 01spirit750; 07-16-2012 at 02:40 PM. Reason: added picture
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