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Old 07-16-2012, 10:18 PM   #5
turp mcspray
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Smile Re: New life for an old 2wd, farm Blazer

Hey Phatty, thats funny! Other people will look my work, and I'm sure yours to, and think it's perfect. I'm always saying that after working on something for X amount of time, that it starts to look WORSE every time I look at it, and even $100,000 cars, eventually become just another P.O.S. in the shop. I used to really beat myself up about stuff. Then I finally realized that "perfection" is simply not obtainable. You gotta strive to do your best,without driving yourself nuts! LOL!
Turp Mcspray
New life for an old 2wd, farm blazer
My Blazer build
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