Thread: Recon for s-10
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Old 07-17-2012, 11:39 AM   #2
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Re: Recon for s-10

Since those have got popular for swaps the price had gone up a lot. You could find one with a dead engine and beat body for a hundred bucks around here three years ago and the same truck in the same spot will be 500 or more now. Scrappers have driven the prices of stuff up too.

What's wrong with your stock frame that you need to change it? Personally If the stock frame is in good shape I'd much rather go to a Mustang II style or other custom crossmember and swap rear ends. If your frame is junk or you have no frame then the S-10 chassis is an ok deal.

And just because the guys down at the gas station did it isn't always the best reason.
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