Originally Posted by motornut
I like the rake when it's stock rear
that look is what i want with mine
in that picture....i cut 2 coils and everything else is stock.
i would recommend cutting 1 and a half if you arent doing anything to the rear. with 2 coils cut the springs will fall out when you jack the front up. when you let the jack back down, you have to let it down an inch or 2 at a time and check that the spring is indexed until the jack is all the way down. i think i read somewhere that if you cut 1 and 1/2 coils, you wont have that problem. 2 coils gave me 5 inches. im thinking 1 1/2 would give you like a tad under 4. also at 5 inches my shocks are in their sweet spot, so it does bounce a tad. i'll be relocating my shock mounts up 4 inches soon. but as far as cornering...its way better, but then again i didnt put the smaller tires on til later. the 8 inches in ride hieght really made the difference