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Old 10-04-2003, 04:31 PM   #22
L.E.D. Tail lights, Baby!
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Location: Corona, Ca
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I have been reading through this thread and have to appologize to a large extent. I haven't posted here in awhile since I only spend enough time online now to check my email each day.
With regards to Ryan and I:
Ryan recently moved from PA, to Montana. I often can't get ahold of him as much as I'd like to. I share is some of y'alls frustration. His access to the internet is limited, and sometimes goes days without using it(Sounds like a drug doesn't it?). He and I are still working very hard to get our taillights out in the market more efficiently. We signed an agreement with Early Classic Enterprises to handle of our products for this model/year of chevy trucks. What 71Chev said is correct.
We have finished the first issue of third brake light/cargo light. there were 10 in the first go around, and ECE has them for sale, obviously. However the first 10 have already been sold. He is going to be ordering more from us soon, so if you'd like in on the next issue, you need to contact them ASAP.
If you have a board from US and there are problems you need to let me know so i can fix it. I will fix ASAP, because I do want everyone to be happy. We haven't made a dime yet. Literally we're still in debt. We haven't sold enough to pay off the development costs of all our products, or our overhead. We haven't taken the "money and run." We are going to focus next on front turn signals, and will have the 67-68 done in time for X-mas. I am going to try to have the 69-70, as well as the 71-72 done, but I doubt it. We are also going to work on a dome light. A dome light you could leave on for a week and not drain your battery, though we don't encourage you to try.
Again, I am sorry, as well as ryan that we haven't been more proactive. This is still like our hobby. Neither of us is full time yet on this. We have to work the 9 to 5er like the rest of you. But we're trying to get more revenue to get more products to get on this full time.

Again, if you have any problems with your set email ME ASAP @ I will take care of what ever issue I can.
Thank you.
Prov 3:5-8
"Hook 'em"
L.E.D. Taillights for sale NOW!!!
If interested, visit:
or our website:
All 67-72 GM Taillights are on sale untill 5 p.m. on Dec
15th, with Guaranteed Christmas delivery!
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