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Old 10-04-2003, 07:05 PM   #1
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Unhappy 71 GMC Power Steering Gear Box?

1971 GMC 1 ton C-3500 350/4 speed w/granny 1st

Just bought this thing 2 weeks ago everything is good EXCEPT:

Think my power steering gear box is lunched. Steering wanders really bad, 3-4" play in the steering wheel. Everything seems tight at the tie rod ends, pitman arm and such, but on checking the gear box the adjuster is screwed all the way in (no more adjustment at all).

What years power steering gear box will fit?

Source for a rebuilt box or new box?

What kind of $$$ we looking to replace it?

What is the BEST Manual to get, I've got a Haynes but it's real light on the 1 ton stuff. Do they still print the old Chilton Rebuild Manuals that were 3-4" thick? Where can I order one?

I don't mind putting the money into it as I really like this truck and it's easy to work on, NO COMPUTERS to mess with!
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