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Old 07-19-2012, 12:03 PM   #1
Jon Scully
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Thunder Bay Ontario
Posts: 97
Brake Line Overhaul Woes...

Thanks for reading, all help is appreciated,

I have a 1986 s10 2.5 2wd long box reg cab-- Great shape overall, undercoated every year with only 145k KM.

(I amusually on this site for my 1971 Blazer - the S10 is the daily driver!)

After loaning to a friend and him popping a rear hard brake line (the long main on -- a couple of pn holes where it rubbed the bracket), I did a check of all the suspension and brake parts to see what was up, and if anything else required work. What I found was that the front brake hoses were cracked and degrading, and the upper ball joints were done (loose ish with torn boots)

So I dive in, changed out a section of the rear line no prob, changed out the upper ball joints no prob(even flared my own line etc).....All is well except the following:

1) Rear passenger bleeder rusted shut, and after much finessing I still ended up stripping it: So I will replace the cylinders out back (they are cheap, and it wont hurt anything).

2) Because of the rust/corrosion on the bracket I cannot see how the front brake HOSE connects to the bracket where it meets the hard line just beside the upper control arm. Is there a nut here? Or just a Clip? If so : where can I get them? they did not come with the new hoses,

3) Lastly, after all this, changing most of the lines etc. Will I have to bleed the Master Cylinder? (if so, can this be done 'on vehicle)

Thanks a lot for the assistance,

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