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Old 07-19-2012, 08:17 PM   #4404
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Re: What did you do to your truck today!

put some fresh gas in the freshly cleaned gas tank. threw a new filter on and started it up. its running like crap. guess the carb got a big drink of the black mess that was in the tank. the new accelerator pump diaphragm was stuck from the mess in the squirter circuit. it wont idle as im sure that circuit is all gunked up to. guess ill be pulling the carb and giving it a soak and a rebuild. this stinks because it was running great for the first 20 minutes till the goo got sucked up. guess its my own fault for not cleaning out the tank. who knows how long this truck sat before we got it. found the power steering setup we just got put on isnt working either. think the used pump is kaput. so today i cursed at the truck and myself, repeatedly! lol! o well tommorow is another day and is supposed to be a bit cooler.
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