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Old 07-20-2012, 10:45 PM   #1
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Drama's Build- '88 Crew

Welp, figured I'd start a thread and a little introduction. My name is Brandon and I am a heavy equipment operator at a coal mine. I work a goofy shift work schedule and when I'm not at work, I am a dad. 3 kids under 6 with the 4th due a month from today.
All that said, you can probably guess I don't have a ton of time to spend in the garage. So this will be a fairly slow build.
Anyway, I am working on my '88 Crew Cab Dually. Will be pulling the 454/th400 combo and swapping in a ls1/4l80e combo. I hope to have this in and running by the time my boy is born, then after that it will slow down a bit.
The pickup. Super clean, zero rust, no dents and some sweet 80's graphics. haha.

The parts car.

Hopefully I will finish pulling the ls1 and 4l60 this weekend. Picked up a 4l80 to run instead of the 60, that way when I boost it I should still be safe.
I'll quit being so windy and just post some updates as I go.
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