Thread: mustang II
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Old 07-21-2012, 11:30 AM   #12
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Re: mustang II

Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena View Post
Thanks guys. I was wondering what Bam used and went back to read his thread. Mustang II, natch. Doesn't mention what company though. If its good enough for him I'll seriously consider it.
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For those that don't know I'm BAM thats why I'm answering Dan's question.

Dan I put together the Mustang 2 on my truck with components from TCI and Heidts. I have a TCI crossmember and Heidts upper and lower control arms, and a t-bird rack and pinion. I have used TCI and Heidts units on others peoples rides and like them.

Also as entourageguy said there is nothing from the mustang 2 car in a mustang 2 aftermarket kit other than the geometry. The name stuck because back in the day people use to use the suspension from the actual car on their trucks and streetrods. So of course companies started designing kits to make life easier base on that geometry. Anybody that tells you different does not know what they are talking about or are trying to sell you something. Are there better options? Yes but that comes with a bigger price tag. Thats why I like the flat out engineering kit because you can do it for about the same price as a mustang to kit if you shop carefully. I installed a couple of the crossmembers in some rides and I liked for the vette components. I do not see anything that makes the crossmember more sturdier than a mustang 2 crossmember. Same metal thickness and bascally the same weld area.

By the way you don't need a flat out engineering crossmember to install the vette suspension. You can use the vette ifs only, but the flat out kits make it easier and in my opinion looks cleaner.


I include that with clips when I said etc. There are too many clips to mention. People also used volare and pacers. I have no personal experience with the installation of a Jag clip so I really can't speak on it. I don't speak on things I don't know about. I have talk to guys who have them and seen their installations. They seem to be happy with them.

Last edited by Kabwe; 07-21-2012 at 03:25 PM.
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