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Old 07-22-2012, 11:07 PM   #1
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Here are some top off pics and thoughts about rebuild

Well after having finished the Blazer project some time ago and having nearly 2 years driving time on it, here are some reflections about the process, finished product and functionablity. First of all, I am my own worst critic and having never have restored a vehicle, I did not know what to expect. I really enjoyed the process, so much so that I miss the chase for parts and processes now. Those of you who have done this know what I am talking about. The not having something to wrench on after work or check the forums for helpful advice when I needed it. Miss, miss, miss it. To the point I want to sell this and start something new. Don't get me wrong, I really like the blazer and have fun when I drive it, just ready for something else. I also do not know how to judge the finished product. I see the things that could have been done better, need to be touched up, need to be better functioning, all due to my inexperience or lack of knowing how they really were. The goal I had at first was to take apart to fix the rust under the doors and small part of front floor pan. What I ended up with was a quest to fix this , then this , then this and before long whole thing is apart and really looks like I am doing the thing I did not ever want to do, have a trailer queen! Seen guys do that for years and really did not want to do that so I drive mine whenever I want, just not to mud pits and avoid rain as much as I can, cleaning takes a long time! I really don't know if it is a good job, what I mean is is it one guys would say was a good solid restoration, done right or is it a crappy uneducated restore project that would not hold up on it's own if real scrutiny were laid on it. Sure it looks good but up close there are issues, maybe only seen by me but there. The top still leaks after all the work I put in on that still leaks, Do they all leak? It's not bad but it's there. There are some touch ups I need to do where brake fluid leaked initially and the paint on frame bubbled, so that needs attention. Do even the highest dollar restorations have a few issues that will chronically plague them or the owner? If so, joy to me and I will not worry about them so much. I still can't get the temp gauge to work correctly, the original drum brakes take Samson like effort to work, it rides like a meat wagon but sounds very solid. The original 350 runs like a top but she left me stranded at 6am on 4th July along highway, after some going thru systems, found the ignition control module had given up after less that 1500 miles. Runs great now, shifts great...does not pass a gas station because it BURNS it up, but we all knew that. Driving with top off was the dream but now that is done too. What would I do differently? Probably not spend as much on it but the way I went at this was if it needed it, I got it. I spent way too much on it but the way I see it, it was great therapy, stress reduction and since I am totally boring and have no other real hobbies, I guess that is OK. But I will probably never get what I got in it out of it. Or are we supposed to? Nothing like the stares, honks and waves from well wishers and guys reminiscing about the one their dad had when they were kids. That's fun. This was my first project, hopefully not last. Probably won't get another until I get this one a new home, I am a "instead of" kind of guy and not an "in addition to" one. Although I could be a car hoarder easily, my wife and my since of money will not let me, yet... I do want to thank all of those I have met through this board during the project. I have made some lifelong friends here. Thanks for all the advice from you guys, the parts when I needed them and thanks for purchasing the ones I did not need, more of those will be up for sale in future. One thing, I did make Hemmings motor news magazine Fall issue, a sort of readers ride part, but I made a magazine! And I made the Blazer calendar, thanks to your votes...pumped about both! So here are some recent top off pics to enjoy!
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