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Old 07-25-2012, 01:25 PM   #3
The Older Generation

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Re: Truck dies when I put it in reverse

My '39 Ford Coupe does the same exact thing. It is a rebuilt TH350 won at a car show. I don't know about your truck, but after the '39 warms up good it doesn't do it again until you let it sit long enough to cool down. If you don't hold the brake pedal down you will go backwards about 20 MPH. I have asked every transmission guy I know or meet and none of them have had a definite answer for it. All have said they would have to tear it down and check it out.

When I first start mine and have to back up I shift it into reverse and as soon as it starts moving I shift it into neutral and let it roll backwards far enough to be able to drive forward.

If you find out what the problem is post back here or PM me if you would...


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