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Old 07-27-2012, 07:36 AM   #13
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Re: Building My Grandfather's 64 C10

Originally Posted by Captainfab View Post
Welcome to the forum

Sorry to hear of all the hassle you went thru to get your Grandfather's truck. In seeing the work you are doing, I'm sure he wouldn't want anyone else to have his old truck.

I really like to see people get their kids involved in working on these old trucks. That helps to keep our obsession alive and teaches the kids some valuable skills. Keep up the great work and keep the updates coming when you have time.
Thanks!! I love having the family help out wherever they can (helps with the grunt work, hehe). My youngest sure has a love for wrench turning, but her sister hasn't come around yet.

I got my start when I was about 7 years old and my dad put me to work changing oil on his work trucks. He and I started building my first car, a '65 Ford Falcon, when I was 14, we finished it just before I turned 16 and then he decided I should have something a little newer and we decided to sell it. It was hard watching that old car drive away.

I'm really close to talking my wife into trading her Durango for a 50s model Ford sedan. I thought I might take that on as my next project and do a few things to make it more modern and dependable. I'd like to get her more invovled in building the truck before then so she can do most of the work on the car.
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