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Old 07-27-2012, 08:50 AM   #9
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Re: I learned a lesson today

Originally Posted by markeb01 View Post
The last hood I looked at had one shallow easily repairable dent on top. A more correct description would have been the entire center of the top surface was caved in. The dent could have easily held a gallon of water without spilling a drop.

I’m not sure which is harder to find, a decent hood or a good door. I sure hope you can find something that’s as least as nice as the one you just sold. I looked for a good condition 60-61 Chevy hood for over 10 years and eventually changed my mind and gave up. The only ones I found worth buying were on school buses, but the owners either used the bus or lived in it and wouldn’t sell.
10 years? Holy smokes man you have way more patience than I do. Never know that the BIG truck hoods would fit the C10's a whole new investigation area just opened up.

Sounds like the guy that tried to sell you a hood is related to the one that tried to sell me.

I knew the pin was different and I believe the latch is also a different one.

Oh well, live and learn they say.
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