Re: I picked up a 69 GMC
The truck had been down since the last day of Good Guys. While driving it home on that Sunday it started making a squealing noise and when I got home I found it to be the carrier bearing. I went and bought one from O'reilly's and then let the fight begin. I didn't know that parts that were married 43 years ago would be so stubborn to separate. My biggest problem was getting the yoke off of the rear of the front drive shaft so I could get the bearing off. I used a pulley puller to now avail. I soaked it in JB 80 and that didn't work. I put heat on it and when that wasn't working I kept it warm and used an air chisel with a blunt end on it to beat it out. After all of that it went back together smoothly.
My new concern is that at low speeds it squeaks still but is this because of the new rubber being a bit larger and the dust shields rubbing on it? Anyway I had a blast driving it to work today. I just love these old trucks!