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Old 07-27-2012, 07:19 PM   #7
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Re: Elvis is leaving the building

Thanks CC69RAT. I don't have an angle finder but know they sell them at Harbor Freight for about $5 and will pick one up. I do know from just crawling under the truck that the rear end pinion does seem to angle up instead of down or level so it's most likly off. I guess that mean's I need to get new coils sooner than later as I'd just have to set it again if the ones on there are saggy as I believe they are lol.

54 Chevy 3100 5.3/4L60E (Plan to make summer daily driver)
54 Chevy 3600 "Destiny" future project (Plan to build for my daughter)
72 C10 current daily driver
74 Nova Son's DD (His 1st car, we had to start him off right)
00 F*rd Expedition wife's DD (She's the trader in the house and doesn't drive a GM )
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