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Old 07-28-2012, 09:57 AM   #9
Rob H.
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Re: Project no buck 72

Last week I pulled the front clip and engine from my 72. I got started cleaning the frame up so I could paint it before I put the 327 in. I found a leaking brake line so I replaced it and went ahead and replaced the hardline to the passenger side with a new one, so now all the brake lines are new. I also decided it was time to add power steering to it so I pulled the steering box off the 70 'burb and bolted it on. I still plan to change to the column from the 'burb and then I'll be rid of the 3 speed linkage and it will look as it should with the 4 speed.

I got some painting done on the frame, I've been using Rustoleum gloss black engine paint on the frame.
72 C/10 (under reconstruction)(destruction ? LOL)
48 Willys CJ2A
1952 Super "A" Farmall (Grandfather's)
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