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Old 07-29-2012, 11:33 PM   #25
Low Elco
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Re: Boppa's old yeller truck

Well, got the truck finished late last night. Rubbed out nice! Boppa came out for a bit today, said he was having withdrawals and needed a fix. The heat knocked him down pretty quick, though. It was back to 105 today. Got the shop cleaned up and a bunch of stuff put away. I did notice, one more round of touch-ups and small stuff and I can put the paint stuff away, that's a good feeling! Anyway, here ya go-

The mess this morning, it had to get handled.
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Not bad- note the reflection in a yellow door!
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Oy, this mess!
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Next issue-the bed runs downhill from the cab. A 1/4" spacer seems to make it better. Taped off to show the height difference.
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Off by exactly 1/2" pass side and a bit more on the drivers. We'll hopefully make us a mini-bodylift and fix all that up and cinch er down this week.
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Thanks for playin' along!
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