After I had one door sort of figured out, I quickly leared I need to start figuring out the roof. I cut, bent, mangled, and threw away a bunch of pieces of metal before I came to the rationalization that I was in trouble. I could not figure out the roof at all. I spent about a week tring to figure it out. I fianally realized that I need a panel truck or burb to cut the roof off. A new search began for a suitable donor that I would not feel bad about cutting up. I found one about three hours away. hooked up the trailer and away I went. The thing was rusted up about 18" high the whole way around. The perfect donor. I stopped on the way back at a place I get parts from to see if I could get the title notorized, its always good to have extras of those, and they asked what I was doing with the panel. I told them my plans and they wanted to buy the chassis after I stripped the body off. I sold it to them for 50 bucks more than I paid for the thing! The roof went pretty quickly from there.

The pics show that I had her cut pretty far apart but the key is to weld in bracing to keep everything square. Measure 3 times before welding anything.
My lunch time is over so I have to get back to work....more to come later