1969 k10 lwb to swb, 1 tons, 6.0/4l80e/np205
After all the welding and grinding was done, I wire wheeled/grinded/cleaned the frame for about 400 hours. I read a lot about POR-15 and Master series products. I went with Master Series coating system. I dont know which is better, but I am well pleased with my results. You start by cleaning the already wire wheeled frame with their rust converter. I let it dry then wire wheeled, then reapplied, then scuffed it once more. It leaves a zinc or something film after it dries to prevent new surface rust thats why you have to scuff it all off. Then I coated two coats with their Silver undercoating paint, then two coats of their black 2 stage top coat. Came out slick. I have some runs becasue I globbed too much on there and it was 2 a.m.
69 k10 - In pieces