Thread: tire kickers
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Old 08-01-2012, 11:56 AM   #8
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Re: tire kickers

Originally Posted by Liz View Post
Lets keep it civil review area is there for a reason. post the good ones, post the bad ones.. keep the cat fights to the teeniebopper sites
Yes ma'am, i understand, aint no sense in all of us getting fired up. i agree with above suggestion. keep a personal list of the guys who do that, then if you ever sell anything or buy anything, avoid them. ive been selling and buying car parts(engines, trucks, heads etc) on craigslist for 3 yrs. ive started a list of all the jerks that have either blown me off, sold it out from underneath me, or were just a flat jerks. ive actually had a few people text me on something else, them having no clue i was the same guy, fixing to do the same thing and i either didnt respond or told them it wasnt forsale to them. easy as that. keeps you from getting pissed all the time.

'94 GMT 400 ext z71 3" body, 3 in rough country, hd mirrors, 20" motometals on 35s
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