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Old 08-01-2012, 01:11 PM   #1
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1960 Stepside Hood Chioce HELP!!

Hey guys can you please color the wheels on this truck red and change hood inserts and grill to 1960 version. I have a 1960 stepside and am wondering if I should go back to the original hood and grill on it. It currently has a hood and grill off a 1964, my dad made the swap years ago when it was his cause he didnt like the hood, but I'm really liking the 60 hood better. Let me know what you guys think.... Any input is greatly appreciated.

Name:  1961.jpg
Views: 27801
Size:  18.9 KB

Name:  1960Stepper.jpg
Views: 12646
Size:  48.8 KB
1960 Chevy Stepside 2wd
1966 Chevy Fleetside 2wd
1965 Chevy Suburban 2wd
1965 Chevy Fleetside 4X4
1960 Chevy Fleetside BBW 2wd
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