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Old 08-04-2012, 08:52 PM   #1
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Fuel Tanks and Internal Pumps...

I've done a LS 6.0 swap in my blazer a couple years ago. I'm tired of the external fuel pumps dying every 15-20k miles. I'm going internal now for longevity reasons (it's my daily driver) and it just left me stuck in the desert and 110 degree heat.

I've already been in contact with NMWP up in Oregon about their custom made 37 gallon tank as I like the idea of extra fuel capacity and I don't really want to fool with in tank electric pumps on this crappy plastic tank I have now.
I'm about ready to pull the trigger on this $700 tank but I'm waiting for them to get back with me to confirm it will accept an internal pump and if they have an internal pump setup in kit form. Add just says it comes with mounting hardware and a sending unit that works the stock gauge (0-90 ohms).

I need to have 58-65 psi for the LS engine to run properly, so the internal TBI pumps some of you guys are doing won't work for me. I also don't want to move the frame structure (which the larger 73 and later tanks would require) hence the reason this custom 37 gallon NMWP tank interests me (direct bolt in).

Whew,,,, Now with all that explained,,,what have any of you done for intank fuel pumps? Something capable of fuel pressure mentioned above...

Anyone that has dealt with NMWP chime in. I know there were a few as we have talked about this before. I'd like any details before I plunk down $700+ for a tank and fuel pump. Thanks.
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